
Half Asleep.

The water trickles and I'm mumbling to myself to turn the music down because there are two sleeping bodies outside the door and I'm half asleep and it's early. I step inside the shower, brush against a thin curtain of pale greens and blues and the shower scalds me, brands little tear-shaped marks on my lower back. It's so hot that it's cold and I stare at my kneecaps covered in gooseflesh and I wonder why the uprising of hair follicles is called something so bizarre. It's dark outside and as soon as we hit a steady 68 I let myself linger in the space between dreaming and living. My left cheek is pressed against a pair of blue denim. I sit up slightly and stare at the delicate blue threads. I am a moth and my wings have left white powder on my resting place, I breathe into the air and they dissolve and we breath them in, these little wings like specks of dust.  I place a small gold key inside a small silver lock and twist, I listen for the chime of gears moving and a deadbolt fastening and I smile, remove a gray wall that's collapsing inside of itself. I think about losing my friend. And it's only the middle of my week and I can't hear anyone over the music because it's too loud and I'm muttering to myself to turn it down. And then I realize the music is just my humming, something someone once told my they do when they're nervous. But I'm not nervous, I'm just half asleep.


  1. cool lines,
    music is just your humming, that's neat.

  2. feel free to link your poems to our poetry potluck today...
    Happy Monday!
    Thanks for the beautiful support.

  3. You certainly captured the half-asleep feeling well. Beautifully written.

  4. Caught an intro on your blog on FB by Poets United.

    And I am so glad I dropped by. Your words are sublime. And so readable.

    Again and again.

  5. I really really like the idea of humming but being so detached in a quasi-dream state that you don't even realize it's YOU. Comforting and yet a little disturbing.

    I have a proposition for you. My friend and I are curating work for our zine which is due to be out by the end of October. Each issue is an exploration of one of the senses (which you are so in tune with, it would be a sin not to have you contribute) and for the first issue we're doing "touch"

    I would love to have your beautiful words on our pages. Just write anything that somehow plays with the idea of touching. It can be sensual, painful, comforting, numbing, etc etc.

    Let me know if you're in.

  6. Oh my. This does bring up some thorny questions.

    1) Is half asleep half awake, or the other way around?

    2) Which half is in a coma, and which merely in a comma?

    4) Where's the dividing line, and (3) was it drawn with a piece of colored chalk?

    It boggles.

  7. Like being suspended someplace between time and eternity. I good prose poem. I like it. Thanks for posting.

    My potluck is here:

  8. subliminal. surreal. stupendous.
