
Freshly soaped shoulders
are lapping up blue paint
as the refrigerator hisses
and lungs gently deflate.
Webs and spindled legs
are unraveling in the sink
and a spoon of heavy pears
is clinging to your drink.
The faucet's dripping mold
but your skull- it feels at ease,
your mouth is slightly open
and it's letting in a breeze.
Your fingers kiss the kettle,
caressing lustrous metal,
and it's cold inside this home
but the halls are yours roam.


  1. This is so very lovely,
    home, sweet home,
    a homely and sweet piece.

  2. That's Brilliant! Full of so many different things. Warm and cosy. All the best.

  3. Great as always; your poems are always enchanting.

  4. this picture is fabulous!! and the poem is just lovely as well . just rediscovered your blog and am so happy i did!

  5. I love the picture you painted with your words! Oddly enough, it makes me want to clean my home! ;)
