

I'm taking a moment, a brief relapse, to purge the words. My skull is like a rusty little typewriter in the shadows, tapping black keys. I'm taking a break from memorizing literary terms and breaking down the human cell until there's nothing left but a thousand little electrons buzzing around a tightly bound nucleus. The past few days have been rushed, in a word. 
I keep thinking about a beautiful baby girl, my best friend's little sister gave birth to the most amazing spirit. Her name is Lilleigh. I held her a few short hours after she emerged into the cool air. I brushed the pads of my fingers over her fontanels, feeling the grooves where bones folded into skin. I wept, staring into her gray eyes, watching her, watching me. She looks so much like her mother.
My calves are sore from organizing the spice cabinet in a new, yellow kitchen. My mouth felt strange for the expanse of about three hours, I said the word dad, out loud. To him, in the flesh. It was so strange. It really was. 
My eyes are tired from staring at this back lit-screen in coffee shops with aromas of nostalgia. I'm having a hard time finding time to write, and read. I want to read so badly, I walked into a bookstore and was compelled to buy new books but could only manage the first thirteen pages of the lyrical script before I had to set it aside and picked up a heavier, denser leaf with a thousand more prickly veins and a wider stem. This semester is killing me, and I'm afraid I may have packed on too much, but I crave the knowledge. I crave the avalanche. My books and I have a paradoxical relationship. I have fallen in love with every one of my classes. My creative writing class, especially. I wish I could make time to write. This morning I made linden flowers tea, I held honey by the ankles and let it bleed down onto a dusty teabag. I let white petals loll around the vacancies of my cheeks, I let steam warm my fingerprints. I'm hungry for boredom.


  1. you are feeding not only your mind, but your soul..each moment will enhance your writing and when the flood is released...the world will be ready for your words...blessings..sip your tea...bkm

  2. The world is such a cruel place for a soul as sensitive as yours.
    I know how you feel.
    X David, NYC

  3. The flow of this so ingteresting prose is magnetic and plays on the need to go on to the end with suspended breath. The final phrase stuns - -- "hungry for boredom" is something I can really relate to. Thank you for such an honest write. Hope the tea did the trick for you friend.

  4. I'm taking creative writing this semester too!
    You paint your words in vibrant brush-strokes and mold the words into images.
    I especially loved "I held honey by the ankles" - such a potent picture.

  5. best wishes...
    missed your excellent participation last time..


    I invite you to Attend Thursday Poets Rally Week 29, linking in a poem by commenting,

    Happy Friday!

  6. When you wrote about adding honey, your words magically painted the picture with stickiness that I could taste.
